It is fair to say that Our Lady of the Skies Chapel at JFK offers a variety of services to passengers, airport employees, airline staff and crew, Police Authority, Customs and Border Protection (CBP), TSA, CDC, US Fish and Wildlife Department, FBI, Air Marshalls (FAM), all aviation and Homeland Security personnel:
Regular sacraments: Mass, Communion, Reconciliation (Confessions)
Rite of Christian Initiation for the Adults: Baptisms, First Communions, Confirmations
Special sacraments and events: weddings, memorial services, retirement services, anniversaries
Spiritual Direction, 101 retreats, Busy Person's Retreats, Bible study, counseling
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
Baptismal Prep classes for Parents and Godparents
Assistance for grieving passengers
Death notifications to traveling family members
Masses and other religious services to traveling groups
Possibility for traveling priests to say Masses at the Chapel
and much more
For more information, please contact Fr. Chris at 718-656-5348 or email at chaplain@jfkchapel.org